Dr. John David Smith

Insights into World Missions


Our lives, churches, and associations all have a distinct culture. It has been stated that our culture depends on three elements: core values, narrative, and behaviors. Our core values are guiding principles that we passionately believe and defend. In upcoming blog posts, we will look at a few of the core values of BMA Missions and how they apply to global missions movements.

Our narrative is our language and our stories we use to celebrate those things that are most important to us. In order for our narrative to reflect THE biblical narrative it must possess three characteristics: It must have a divine origin. It must have a redemptive element. It must be leading toward a great crescendo. These things describe a narrative that is “popping” with life, purpose, and destiny. Hopefully, our narrative is one that creates excitement and attracts followers to the kingdom as it celebrates God’s redemptive work that is leading to a clear destination. Otherwise, if all we do is celebrate things that have been completed in the past… that is not a narrative, that is an obituary!

Our behaviors are the last piece of our culture. Do our behaviors reflect our core values? Do our behaviors make our story unfold as part of God’s greater story? What are the behaviors involved in a global missions movement?

behaviorchurchcore valuesculturemissionsnarrative

Dr. John David Smith • January 13, 2016

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