Mission or Missions?
The answer to that question is a resounding Yes! It is both! It must be a both/and, not an either/or proposition. However, while we recognize that both are essential, it is also necessary to see the difference in the two words as they apply to global missions. Our core values are guiding principles that we passionately believe and defend. The following is core value #1 for BMA Missions:
Motivated by the Mission of God – The mission of God is defined as the self-glorifying aspect of the nature of God as his name is made known to the nations through his redemptive plan (mission) that is expressed in the expansion of his kingdom through his followers through redemptive relationships (missions) to all peoples. It is the primary motivational piece in all that we do.
In other words, the mission of God is all about his glory and the expansion of his kingdom. Missions is all that we, as his followers, do to fulfill that mission. Two words bring necessary emphasis to this discussion. Magnitude: It is all about God, and it is greater than we are or any part we play. The mission of God transcends all that is created in importance and greatness. Motive: God’s unchanging nature that is seen in our never-ending relationship of grace is what drives us to exhaust our very existence for him. If we make this about us and our role as most important (It is important, but not the most important.), we simply will not find the strength to continue.